Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Results -- Prepared by Ryck Tanner

Well, I've been slacking and haven't gotten the results out yet. Here
you go...

Janelle & Syd -- 3
Tam -- 3
Brent -- 4
Tiff -- 4
Brady -- 5
Brittany -- 5
Mom -- 5
Nat -- 6
Ryan -- 6
Tara -- 6
Darrin -- 7
Jourdan -- 7
Madison -- 7
Andrea -- 8
Ryck -- 9

Something is wrong when the organizer wins the contest. I guess you'll
all just have to trust that the whole thing is not rigged.

My speech: I just would like to say that this has been a very
interesting year in film. I heard that the five nominated movies were
the lowest grossing set of nominees for something like 25 years. It is
always interesting to note the differences between the highest grossing
films of the year and the best films of the year. Sometimes I get a
little concerned for the country when movies like The Day After Tomorrow
and National Treasure do well at the box office. If we as audiences
don't discriminate then Hollywood will keep cranking out the junk. I
don't mind the pure escape film for entertainment value but we need to
demand QUALITY. (The Incredibles, Shrek 2, and Spiderman 2 are good
examples of fun movies that had quality writing and production value).

Also, I was absolutely amazed by the amount of debate and controversy
generated over two films this year: The Passion of the Christ and
Fahrenheit 9/11. These films really spotlighted the extreme
polarization of the country in areas such as politics and religion. In a
year like this nobody can deny the power of film to shape national

Anyway, the best thing about the contest was the open-ended responses.
I am sharing those below. Enjoy...

Name one movie that you liked this year and tell us why.

Madison -- Baby Noah of the Baby Einstein Collection -- it keeps me
entertained for hours and I really get excited when I see monkeys or

Darrin -- Either Rocky (the first one) on rerun on Fox, or I did enjoy
Neverland because often there is much more to people, yet often that
either choose not to be known, or others around them don't "feel" the
need to take the time to find out , and what goodness they
are about.

Tara -- Even though Tanner is my last name -- I am probably the most
inartistic out of the lot. I am superficial. Although I do like the
movies that make you think after you have seen them, thats about as far
as I go. I couldn't tell you the angle of the camera, the politically
correct overtones, or the life changing meaning hidden in the plot. I am
one of "those" people. With that being said I will now provide my
mindless answers. A movie that I really liked this year was The
Notebook. I am a sucker for romance and this movie was pure romance --
not a romantic comedy or a heavy drama -- just a plain love story. My
grandpa had Alzheimers and although it wasn't strongly emphasised -- it
also made me think of my grandma and all she went through.

Tam -- Finding Neverland, was a very refreshing, thought provoking
film. I loved the uplifting message of how the magic of imagination and
believeing can help one to deal with loss. The flim is clean, Johnny
Depp is maginificiant like always. See it! I would of voted for Johnny
as best actor, but my instincts tell my the academy will go for Aviator

Ryan -- I haven't seen many movies this year. I guess I'm not "the
norm". I know its sad. I did see the Terminal on video, but I think that
was last year. And so was Master and Commander. Its just that . . . with
kids. . . we never get a chance to. . . I'm retarded. Bourne Supremacy
is sweet, but again I have no concept of whether or not it was this
year. I wanted to see the Aviator, but that freak Leonardo Di Crapio is
in it.

Nat -- I liked Phantom of the Opera. It was fun and impressive on the
big screen. Loved Finding Neverland. Johnny Depp is amazing. Other than
that, didn't see any of the big movies this year.

Ryck -- I was impressed with Sideways. Though it had a couple of
semi-offensive scenes, it was a great combination of humor and drama.
Some of the best dialogue and acting I've seen in a long time. I really
enjoyed it.

Andrea -- Luther. I learned from it. I actually stayed awake in it.
There is one line from this movie that I think about almost daily...
"Words are like children - the more you give them the more they demand
from you."

Jourdan -- Phantom of the Opera because I liked the music and the
actors. But I didn't like Raul.

Mom -- Sideways. Unique and unforgettable. Great characterization.
Exploration of the nature of friendship. Portrayal of querks in
characters that make them endearing. Funny. Captures the essence of
loneliness. Fresh.

Tiff -- The Notebook- The ultimate chick flick, yes, but it showed both
the romantic idealistic side of love that we usually see in love stories
and also touched on a different love centered on commitment that
develops from being with a person a long time and caring about their
well-being. I also really liked the Passion of Christ. It touched me and
helped me appreciate the suffering of Christ more.

Brittany -- The Phantom of the Opera because Gerard Butler is so
handsom and I loved the music! I even got the soundtrack and listen to
it all the time!

Brent -- The Polar Express, because it was about a train.

Brady -- This isn't so much a movie as a TV series, but the BBC had a
show for two years called The Office. It has recently been released on
DVD. It is set up as a reality show, so all the actors were required to
be unknowns. I'm talking the kind of writing that eclipses even Seinfeld
or Chris Guest films. If you want to see funny and, in my opinion, the
best ending since Casa Blanca, find a copy of this wonderful, British

Sydney & Janelle -- We both liked the movie Lemony Snicket's
Unfortunate Events,Because we have read most of the books,knew and love
the characters, and love how Sunny talks baby talk and it is translated
in english. Its exciting, funny and scarey all at the same time. Count
Olaf is realllllly mean!


Name a movie that you hated this year and tell us why.

Madison -- Baby Da Vinci -- Tooo boring that movie couldn't keep my
attention even WITH the monkey puppets.

Darrin -- Batman (one, two, or whatever) rerun on Fox, or really -- I'm
not willing to take the time right now to think about it enough in order
to come up with a movie which I "hate". None come to mind.

Tiff -- Collateral - It seemed like such a deep, dark movie. I couldn't
get past all of the killing.

Mom -- Collateral. Too much violence. Too graphic. Too dark. I felt
just plain icky after seeing it.

Ryck -- I hated the movie National Treasure. I didn't see it but I
hated it all the same. Just watching the trailers was enough. How did so
many people in America get duped into seeing it?

Brittany -- My parents don't let me see many movies so I only get to
see the ones I know I'll love.

Brady -- Oh, so many to choose from. But I'd rather spend the time
talking about the next question.

Tara -- Pretty much any movie that Cardon made me watch 5 times a day
everyday. (I know I am a bad mom.)

Sydney & Janelle -- Sponge Bob for obvious reasons!!!

Tam -- Sponge Bob Movie he is so annoying. His voice gives me a

Andrea -- Stepford Wives. Any movie where the villain has a big "how
and why I did it" speech at the end is a loser in my book.

Jourdan -- The Village, because it is stupid and scares you to death.

Brent -- The Village--dumb ending

Ryan -- Wimbledon - Horrible. Absolutely horrible. Crappy story if you
can find one. Tara and I watched it on video and here's the sad thing.
When it started, I said "I didn't know this was about tennis." Tara gave
me "the look" and said, "Its called Wimbledon. What did you think it was

Nat -- Without a Paddle. It was without a brain.


Was Passion of the Christ snubbed for political reason or because it
just wasn't a good movie? Discuss.

Ryan -- Again, I haven't seen it yet, but it was snubbed for political
reasons. It was obviously intentionally left out. Do you think Mel
Gibson cares? I don't. I don't think he made that movie to get
recognized by a bunch of liberal Hollywood suits.

Jourdan -- Don't know. Don't need to know. I go to church.

Tara -- I didn't see the movie myself -- although I considered buying a
ticket to show my support. I actually think that Jim Cavezil (sp?)
should have received a nomination for lead actor. That guy when through
alot ie. getting struck by lightening, hypothermia -- you get the idea.
I believe there was a bias -- but I also think that the success of
Passion both in the States and Internationally is really much more
rewarding that a gold statue.

Ryck -- I didn't see this movie but I think I will eventually. In my
opinion regardless of whether it was a good movie or not it would not
have been nominated for best picture.

Brady -- It's hard to tell what the motivation behind snubbing or
glorifying a film are, and I certainly don't know enough about the
selection process to make an educated argument. However, whether the
Academy snubbed out of snobbery or for artistic merit, I am pleased with
the result--because this is not a well-made movie. Scratch that. It is
an extremely well-done bad movie. Think of it this way, the protagonist
of the film is not the Great Jehova, the object and medium of your
eternal salvation, but rather but some other, highly controversial, yet
celestially insignificant historical character . . . I don't know, let's
say Custer. Now, plug Custer into all of the slow motion falls, into all
of the dramatic gazes, have the Plains Indians parade Custer around in
enough fake blood to shame any 1970's horror film. Have Sitting Bull
with a sort of Mini-Me Gollum character growing out of his abdomen. What
do you have? An ill-conceived, melodramatic, Jon Woo film. (Jon Woo
directed The Rock, Face-Off, Mission Impossible II). Should it be
censored? No. Should it be praised as fine film? Again, no. Personally,
I saw little academic difference between the way the motorcycle joust
scene in MI2 was made, and the way Gibson presented the story of the
whore and casting the first stone.

Darrin -- Neither. It's (the topic) not part of the establishment.
Which, I supposed implies political, yet there is a lot about this movie
which is much more individual, and unmeasureable (aka, un-said) -- and
therefore perhaps can't be in a "competition".

Brent -- No comment.

Andrea -- Not having seen it I can't say, but my guess is politics. The
Academy (or Hollywood for that matter) simply didn't want to be called
to repentance.

Mom -- Of course it was snubbed. After all, it's only part of the
greatest story ever told. Hollywood cannot put their stamp on anything
religious or spiritual in nature. It's contrary to who they are. That
kind of film is not rewarded by people whose God is glitz.

Tiff -- Passion of Christ was definitely snubbed for political reasons.
I thought it was really well done and was a movie that stuck with me
well after seeing it. I was impressed with Gibson's ability to convey so
many strong messages with so little talking. I believe the message of
the miracle of the atonement and a deep underlying sense of purpose and
mission came through despite showing so much blood and suffering in the
events leading up to the crucifixion. He also conveyed the divine
mission of Christ in the way that people in the movie looked at him -
you could tell by the look in their eyes that they knew he was the

Brittany -- People should just go and read the Bible.

Tam -- Political all the way!!! It was a very powerful movie, I applaud
Mel Gibson for being brave enough to make it.

Nat -- Since I haven't seen this movie it is impossible to comment on
whether or not it was good. The reason I haven't seen the movie is
because the atonement and crucifixion are so personal for me, I don't
want Mel Gibson's interpretation of events to become the picture in my
head when I read the story in the Bible. It wouldn't surprise me at all,
however, if The Passion was snubbed for political reasons given the
nature of Hollywood.

Sydney & Janelle -- We have not seen this film. We don't need to see
Christ suffering and dying to believe in him and what he did.


Name a movie that was memorable to you as child and why?

Brady -- Amadeus. That freaking black costume still scares me to this

Brittany -- Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Snow White, The Little
Mermaid, Sleepting Beauty, Pocahontas and Cinderella because they are
all classic Princess movies. Dennis the Menace because it's hilarious.
The Birds because it was funny.

Ryck -- Chariots of Fire. It came out in '81 and Mom and Dad took us to
see it in the theater. I was only 10 years old and I was absolutely
enthralled and deeply moved. I still watch the movie occasionally. It
remains in my top five all time favorites to this day.

Darrin -- Great question -- but I'll save it for the right family

Mom -- Oh wow. Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. The Blob. The Fly. West Side
Stroy. First three were scary as all get out and the last is so
memorable with its music and dancing. One of the all-time greats.

Tara -- Pee-Wee's big adventure -- I had Large Marge's face engrained
in my memory for life. ....and when they pulled the mangled body from
the burning.... twisted... wreck -- IT LOOKED LIKE THIS!!!!

Sydney & Janelle - Sydney - Parnet Trap I like twins and how they
trick their parents and make a secret plan that brings their parents
backp together. Janelle - Finding Nemo Dorie is funny, I like the sea
turtles and Marlin loves Nemo and Nemo loves his dad.

Ryan -- That scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark where Tote, the Nazi
guy with glasses, gets his face melted off by the ark. That. . . it gave
me nightmares not to be believed. Another one is the Neverending Story.
"The Nothing" in that movie freaked me out along with that big rock
monster. Most of you knew me as a child. I was a troubled boy. Let me
remind you . . . eye. . . eye. . .eye . . eye...

Nat -- The first movie I remember seeing at the theater as a child was
The Aristocats. I loved it then and love it to this day. I remember we
had a record of the songs from the movie and Tam and Ryck and I used to
play it over and over and over. Other than that, Star Wars was probably
the most memorable. I remember especially how much Dad enjoyed that

Tam -- The first Rocky. I loved how this underdog from some poor
neighborhood really had what it took to give the champion of the world a
run for his money, and it also was romantic. Adrian a shy bud meets
Rocky and becomes a beatiful rose. The other movies after it never
measured up to the magic of the first film. Nothing motivates you more
then the theme of Rocky.

Brent -- The Great Escape, I liked the tunnel digging.

Jourdan -- The Little Mermaid, because I learned my first song from
that movie.

Andrea -- The Little Mermaid. I wasn't really a child - probably about
13, but I remember wishing I was younger so that I would be able to
believe that mermaids were real and enjoy the ride even more.

Tiff -- Top Gun still one of my favorite movies of all time- But the
funny thing is I watched it just recently and realized that as a child I
never noticed any of the crude untertones in it. I also never noticed
what a cocky, selfish, little snot Tom Cruise was in the movie.

Madison -- Well since I am only 10 1/2 months I would have to stick
with Baby Noah for reasons stated above.


Name an actor or actress that you really like and why.

Ryan -- Anthony Hopkins. Hands down, probably the greatest actor to
ever grace the silver screen. He is amazing. Another amazing actor is
Jack Nicholson. Kind of freaky? Yes. But ya gotta admit, he's a great

Ryck -- Cate Blanchett. I've never seen her give a bad performance and
the film Elizabeth is one of my all time favorites. She is maybe the
only actress that could sway me into seeing a movie that I otherwise
would overlook. Also, go back and see a young Marlon Brando movie. He
was absolutely without equal. His performance in On the Waterfront will
stand up to any performance ever given on screen. In a time when
over-acting was the norm he was the first actor to understand the power
of understatement.

Brent -- Clint Eastwood in Paint Your Wagon because he is a cool cowboy
and he can sing too!

Nat -- I really like Johnny Depp because of his versatility. Jim
Caviezel has the best eyes. But I have to say, I recently saw On Golden
Pond again, and Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda ROCK! Two of the best
actors ever!

Brady -- I really like Scarlett Johannsen. Lost in Translation was one
of the all time great movies, and she was great in The Pearl Earring.
Anyone who can be with Bill Murray on the screen and not look retarded
in comparison is a talented actor.

Sydney & Janelle -- Janelle - The actress that played Sunny in the
Unfortunate Events. She is a baby but acts well and is cute. Sydney -
The girlfriend of Spiderman , I don't know her name but she is really
pretty and does her part well.

Jourdan -- Johnny Deep and Orlando Bloom, because I do.

Tam -- Johnny Depp, I fell in love with him in the movie, Gilbert
Grape(Title ?) His looks and the depth of his acting is memorizing.

Tiff -- Johnny Depp- Now here is an actor that can really act. If you
ever question his ability to act watch, What's eating Gilbert Grape,
Benny & June, The Window, and Pirates of the Carribbean just to name a
few. I will also defend Brad Pitt's (Arm Pitt as Kye's Dad calls him)
acting skills against anyone who claims he is just a pretty boy. The man
has talent.

Madison -- Me! I am quite the actress -- you want drama I have more in
my little pinky than most people do in their whole body!

Darrin -- None specifically for me standout above the rest because,
like the Old Testemant, my own spiritual level is not ready yet to learn
deeply from this industry. That's neither good, nor bad.

Brittany -- Orlando Bloom because he is so fine and I love his accent
and Gerard Butler because he is cute and can sing opera!

Tara -- Paul Bettany. I think he does a really good job as a supporting
actor. He can be funny and serious with the same character and it works.

Andrea -- Paul Giamatti. He is so good at playing a grumpy guy. And I
know grumpy!

Mom -- Steve McQueen. Just go rent one of his movies and you'll know
why. Get the Great Escape.


Name an actor or actress that annoys you and tell us why.

Ryan -- Arnold Swartzenegger or however the hell you spell that.
Seriously, I cannot understand a word he says. Even as governor. The
only acting role he was ever good at was when he played a robot in the
Terminator movies. That's not saying much for acting skills. But still,
I didn't understand a word. Keanu Reeves is a close second.

Sydney & Janelle -- Bart Simpson -The creator or voice of He swears to
much. He is rude.

Tara -- Cameron Diaz. There are a lot of reasons for this answer. Here
is just one: She was on the Oprah show where they were trying to
motivate women to vote. Her arguement for women to vote was this -- "If
"they" (I am assuming Republicans) get elected -- they will make raping
women legal." Need I say any more? p.s. this comment was not intended to
start a political debate.

Madison -- Cardon Tanner. I hate when he tries to steal my role as
ruler of the universe with amateur techniques such as "I'm hungry" or
"Lets play the ball game". Call me a diva if you like I glory in it and
if someone tries to step into my limelight -- well I open up a can of
Diva Woopin's.

Brady -- For some reason, I have a visceral hate of Adrien Brody. I
don't know why. Generally, he does pretty good films, and he gets the
job done, but he seems overrated to me.

Jourdan -- HILARY DUFF and MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY!!! They act dumb.

Brittany -- Hilary Duff because she's not a very good actress, can't
sing and at all, and is very dumb.

Darrin -- Jack Black, or J-Lo.

Tiff -- Keanu Reeves - Man or Robot? The reason he annoys me is because
he has no acting skill whatsoever- What about the Matrix, you might
say?... Well, don't be tricked- Keanu's ability to pull off his role in
the Matrix had nothing to do with an ability to act - he simply does one
role well - the confused guy. He was able to pull off that role because
the movie was all about finding out that the world we think we live in
doesn't exist. What could be more confusing than that?

Ryck -- Keanu Reeves simply cannot act. Shouldn't acting ability be a
prerequisite to becoming a movie star? Apparently not.

Nat -- Keanu Reeves, because he is a no-talent bum.

Mom -- Most of them. It's just fascinating to watch adults who live
perpetually in high school. What really starts to bug me is that sooner
or later most good actors or actresses metamorphose into a
self-proclaimed god or goddess. Kevin Costner cannot act.

Andrea -- Most of them. They take themselves too seriously.

Tam -- Richard Gere. Ever since he was nominated for Chicago, he thinks
he is Fred Astaire. He and Jennifer Lopez doing ballroom dancing, give
me a break.

Brent -- Tom Cruise--because he thinks he God's gift to the world.


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